Tuesday 5 July 2022

Twenty-four incarnations

 Story of twenty-four incarnations:

 Pisces, Varaha, Kachhap, Narasimha and Vamana etc. The twenty-four incarnations of God, hail, hail, be blessed, we salute them. The holy glory of all the incarnations like Parashuram, Raghuveer Shri Ram and Shri Krishna etc. is the one who purifies the world. Buddha, Kalki, Vyasa, Prithu Hari, Hansa, Manvantara Yagya, Rishabh, Hayagreeva, Dhruvavardayi Srihari, Dhanvantari, Nar-Narayan, Dattatreya, Kapildev and Sanaka Sanandan Sanatan and Sanatkumar, all have mercy on me servants. The forms and their pastimes of the twenty-four incarnations are very beautiful. Along with these incarnations, Gurudev Shri Agradasji Maharaj may establish your feet in my heart. (Or keep all the incarnations in the heart of Me Agradas) All the incarnations of the Bhaktavatsal Lord, all are oceans of eternal happiness, their names, forms, pastimes etc. have no end. In order to save the living beings, the Lord incarnates and expands the pastimes. The devotee whose mind is attached to the Lord in that form, he steps (Rama) in that form and the love-bhav related to that form is awakened in him. All the forms of the Lord are oceans of eternal happiness, so who can get across the waves of love? All incarnations are eternal and upon meditating they illuminate the heart with love. Then that devotee becomes as happy as if he has got poor wealth, but such a rare experience occurs only when he understands the deep secret. Just as the crookedness of the hair is not a pollution but a blessing, similarly the incarnations of God like Pisces, Varaha etc. are also givers of happiness to the devotees. All the incarnations are eternal and complete, this beautiful belief of Shri Agradevji has given me the fifth number here on that basis.

When the creation flows through the trinity of nature through the nonsensical pastimes of the inconceivable Supreme God, then only those Parabrahman, inspired by the mode of Rajo, take incarnation as Saguna. In fact, this world is a lila-vilas, the soul-bending of a Leelaaraman, therefore the Lord himself also enters the world created by Himself in the form of Himself in order to make His pastimes conscious. He performs leela in many forms even though the Supreme Lord is invisible. This Leela is done for their own pleasure and luxury, as a result of which the wishes of the devotees are also fulfilled. The incarnation of the Lord from His eternal abode on earth is called 'Avatar'. By taking many incarnations, God has done the work of child-protection, evil-caste and religious establishment through his pastimes. He has infinite incarnations, infinite characters and infinite pastimes. Here a brief illustration of twenty-four major incarnations of them is being presented

 (1) The story of Matsyavatar- 

 When the time came for Brahma to sleep and when he fell asleep, the Vedas came out of his mouth and the demon Hayagriva, who lived near him, stole them. . All the worlds were drowned in the ocean due to the accidental catastrophe called Brahman. Sri Hari realized the effort of Hayagriva and assumed the incarnation of Matsya to save the Vedas. The king of Dravidian country, Satyavrat was very godly. He was doing penance on a peak of the Malay Mountains by drinking only water. He became Vaivasva Manu in the present Mahakalpa. One day a small fish came in his Anjali while performing the tarpan in the Kritmala river, he again released it into the river with water. He prayed a lot that water animals will eat me, protect me. The king put it in a water vessel. She grew so much that there was no place in the kamandalum, then the king kept her in a big pot, she became three hands in two hours, then kept her in a big lake. In a short time she assumed the shape of Mahamatsya, whatever reservoir she kept in it, she would have grown up. Then the king left him in the sea, he said with great compassion - Rajan! Don't leave me in this, protect me. Then he asked, 'Who are you to fascinate me by assuming the form of a fish? You surrounded the lake of expansion for 400 kos in a single day. You are definitely the almighty omnipotent omnipotent Shrihari. For what purpose have you assumed this form? ' Then the Lord said that on the seventh day from today all the three worlds will be drowned in the doomsday sea. Then by my inspiration a big heavy boat will come to you. At that time you take the subtle bodies of all beings and climb on it along with the Saptarishis and keep all the medicines and seeds with you. As long as it is the night of Brahma, I will take your boats for a ride in the sea and answer your questions. Saying this Lord Matsya disappeared. As the Lord had said, the Lord Matsya appeared in the time of Pralaya. His body was resplendent like gold and the body was expanded to four lakh kosaka. There was also a big heavy horn in the body. The boat was tied to the horn by the snake Vasuki. Satyavratji praised the Lord. The Lord was pleased and taught him the whole ultimate mystery of His nature and the Brahma-tattva, which is in the Matsya Purana. After breaking the knot of Brahma, the Lord killed Hayagriva and returned the Shrutis to Brahma. (Srimad Bhagwat) 40 (2) Samudra had a son named Shankha. He defeated the gods and expelled them from heaven, snatched all the rights of Lokpal. The gods hid in the caves of Merugiri, did not become subordinate to the enemy. then daitpane Thought that the gods appear to be stronger than the Vedas. So I will abduct the Vedas. Having decided so, he brought all the Vedas. Lord Brahma went to Karthik on Prabodhini Ekadashi to take refuge in the Lord. The Lord assured and, taking the form of a fish, he fell from the sky in Kashyapamuniki Anjali, a resident of Vindhya Parvat. The sage, out of compassion, kept it in various places like Kamandalu, well, Sir, Sarita etc. and finally threw it into the sea. There too he grew to become a giant. Thereupon the Lord in the form of a fish killed Shankhasura and went to Badrivan, taking him in the form of Vishnu. All the sages were called there and ordered that 'Search the Vedas scattered in the water and find them with mystery and bring them soon. ' Then all the sages, who were full of brilliance and strength, delivered the Vedas along with the Yagya and the seeds. As many sages as the sages who made available the mantras of the Vedas, they were considered to be sages since then, all the sages including Brahma came and offered the Vedas they had received to the Lord. (Padma Purana) (3) Ditike's sons like Makara, Hayagriva, the mighty Hiranyaksha, Hiranyakashipu Jambha and Maya etc. Makar went to Brahmaloka and took away the entire Vedas from him by fascinated Brahma. Thus abducting the Shrutis, he entered the ocean. Then the whole world became devoid of religion. By the prayer of Brahmaji, the Lord entered the ocean in the form of a fish and killed the Makara Daitya by severing it with the tip of his muzzle, and brought the entire Vedas including the limbs and appendages and dedicated them to Brahma. (Padma Purana)


(2) Story of Sri Varaha Avatar –

 Swayambhuva Manu, having received the order from Brahma to start the creation process, seeing the earth immersed in the ecstasy of catastrophe, prayed to him that you should try to save the earth for me and my subjects, so that I can obey you. Lord Brahma, thinking that the earth has gone into the abyss, how to get it out, he took refuge in the Almighty Lord. At the same time, a Varaha, a thumb proof, came out from the nose of the contemplative Brahma, and within a moment, a gigantic mountain-like form of Gajendra started roaring. The boar-like God first jumped in the sky with great speed. His body was very hard, his skin had hard hairs, white molars, his eyes were shining brightly. His molars were also very hoarse. Then he entered the water with his strong temper like a thunderbolt mountain. They reached across the water, tearing through the water with sharp hooves like arrows. He saw there the earth, the shelter of all living beings in the abyss. They came out with the earth on their molars. While coming out of the water, to obstruct his path, the mighty Hiranyaksha attacked him with a mace inside the water. God killed him by leela. Seeing the blue-colored Varaha Bhagwan, holding the earth on white beards, like a tamal tree coming out of the water, Brahmadik was convinced that he was the Lord. They all started praising with folded hands. 






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