Thursday 7 July 2022

Tortoise Kachhap incarnation

 (3) The story of Kamath (Kachhap) incarnation 

- When all the three worlds including Indra became free from the curse of Durvasaji.  Then Indradi went to the shelter of Brahmaji, Brahmaji took everyone and went to the abode of Lord Ajit and praised him.  The Lord told them this method that by making a treaty with the demons and the demons, together, make a solution to churn the Kshir-Sindhu.  Make Mandarachal the Mathani and Vasuki Nag as the leader.  After churning, first the Kalakut will emerge, do not fear it and then many gems will emerge, do not covet them.  In the end nectar will come out, I will give it to you people with a tact.  The gods went and made a treaty with the demon king Balimahraj.  Now the gods and demons carried away the temple, but got tired, then the Lord appeared Picking him up and placing him on the Garuda, he reached the Sindhuta. Became a leader out of greed for the nectar of air. When the sea began to play, then even after being held by great gods and demons, due to the excess of its weight and no base below, the Mandarachal Samudram started sinking. In this way, all of them were heartbroken after seeing Mittam getting their all done. At that time the Lord, seeing that all this was the handiwork of Vighnaraj (Ganesh), He laughed and said – Ganeshji should be worshiped at the beginning of all the works. So we completely forgot Logan. Without his worship, the work does not seem to be accomplished. Now he should be worshipped. Lolamaya is the leela of the Lord. He himself is all-powerful, but in the beginning of the work, when he gave this advice to the gods and demons to follow the limit of worship of Lord Ganesha, then all the people started worshiping Lord Ganesha on the other side. Raised the temple on the back of lakhs of yojana. Then the gods and demons again started churning the ocean with great speed. The Lord was wearing the mandrachal in the form of Kachchha, lived with the deities in the form of Vishnu. Taking a third form also, he was holding the mandrachal with his hands so that he should not jump anywhere. It took a long time to churn, but the nectar did not come out. Now the Lord himself, being a thousand-armed, started churning from both the sides. At that time, the Lord had a wonderful beauty. Brahma, Shiva, Sanakadi were raining flowers from the sky and chanting. The ocean was also hailing the Lord by adding sound to the sound of those people. First of all 'Halahal Kalakoot poison' appeared from the ocean, then Trilokya started burning from it, then Devadhidev Mahadev accepted it. Then more gems came out. Among them 'Kamdhenu' was accepted by the sages. A very beautiful mighty horse named 'Uchaihashrava' was taken by the demons, later a great elephant named 'Airavat' turned out to be found by Indra, the king of the gods. Everyone was eager for 'Kaustubhamani', Lord took it in his throat. The 'Kalpavriksha' went to heaven without expecting anyone. Apsaras also voluntarily left for heaven. 'Bhagwati Lakshmi', in spite of being indifferent on her part, chose Lord Vishnu, who is full of virtues. The demons took 'Varuni Devi' with great interest. 'Dhanush' didn't even pick up from anyone. Then Lord Vishnu took it. The 'moon' was given to roam the infinite sky. The Lord accepted 'Divyasankh'. In the end, Dhanwantriji Maharaj, who appeared with the 'nectar-urn' in his hand, snatched the nectar from him, the gods became sad. Then the Lord, taking the form of Mohini, enchanted the demons, took the nectar from them and gave the nectar to the gods. In the line of the gods, between the sun and the moon, a demon named Rahu was sitting in disguise. While he was being given nectar, the moon and the sun told him and immediately the Lord's chakra beheaded him. But he had got some nectar, so he did not die even after beheading. That's why he was given a place among the planets. Rahu was still in his festival Amavasya to take revenge on Sun and Moon. Therefore, this time the victory of the gods in the battle was won. It strikes on the full moon, which is called eclipse. The gods had just drunk the nectar. Lord's shelter

 (4) Story of Sri Nrisimha Avatar -

 When Varaha Bhagwan killed Hiranyaksha, his mother Diti, his wife Bhanumati, his brother Hiranyakashipu and the whole family were very sad. Daityendra Hiranyakashipun understood and extinguished everyone and pacified him, but himself did not calm down. the flame of vengeance in the heart

It started blazing. Then he decided that by doing penance, such a power should be obtained that the kingdom of Triloki becomes unquestionable and we become immortal. Having taken this decision, Hiranyakashipune went to the valley of Mandarachal, leaving immortality with him and performed such severe penance that even the gods were burnt. On the request of the gods, Brahma ji asked him to go and ask for the boon he wanted. He said that I want that I should not die from any creature made by you. May I not die from any other creature, weapon or weapon, anywhere in the earth or the sky, inside and outside, during the day and night. No one could face me in battle. Let me be the sole emperor of all beings. Indra and all the Lokpals as your glory, so be mine. Give me the same inexhaustible opulence that the ascetics and yogis, Yogeshwar have got. Brahma ji called him 'Avamastu' and gave him the boon he asked for. He was very pleased with his cleverness that I cheated Brahma too. Despite his not wanting, I took the boon of immortality by tact. With his cleverness, who can say Chaturananki, tries to deceive even God. Similarly, Hiranyakashipune had closed the door of death by his own understanding, but the Lord opened it whenever he wished. This is the nature of the living being, having received the boon, he has attained all the directions, the three worlds and the gods, asuras, males, gandharvas, garudas, snakes, siddhas, charanas, vidyadhars, rishis, lords of the ancestors, manu, yakshas, ​​demons, pishchapatis, heroes of ghosts and demons and Having conquered the masters of all living beings, he subdued himself. In this way that Vishwajit Asura, by his might, snatched the places of all the Lokpals, himself started living in Indra Bhavan. He ordered the Daityas that nowadays the number of Brahmins and Kshatriyas has increased a lot. Kill all those who are doing penance, fasting, yajna, self-study and charity etc. Because the root of Vishnu is the karma-dharma of the two castes and that is the ultimate refuge of religion. The demons went and did the same. But where Dharma was being destroyed like this in Trailokya, Prahladji was a devotee of the Lord from birth among the sons of Hiranyakashipu. At the age of five, he was reciting the devotional text of God to his father. Knowing the son to be a devotee of his enemy Vishnu, he decided that he was his enemy, who appeared in the form of a son. Therefore, he was ordered to be killed, but all the experiments of the demons were in vain. 

 Then Hiranyakashipu got very worried. He got them crushed by elephants of big drunkenness. Stung by poisonous snakes, Kritya created a demon to eat Prahlad. Fell down from the mountains. Many types of Maya were used by Shambrasura. Gave poison. Entered into the blazing fire, drowned in the sea, etc., tried many ways to kill him, but his hair did not stop. On the advice of the Guru's sons, they were kept tied to Varunpasha so that they should not run away and the Guruputra started teaching them about Artha, Dharma and Kama. At the time of leave, Prahladji told the adult Asur children to be the form of devotion to God, hearing which all the classmates of the Asur children became godly. Seeing this, the priest went and said everything to Hiranyakashipus. Hearing this, his body trembled with anger and he decided to kill Prahlad with his own hand. Calling them scolded, rebuked and asked, on whose strength do you work against my orders? Prahladji preached to him the form of the Supreme Soul, the Almighty God, he said filled with anger, where is your Jagdishwar? Well, what was said - it is everywhere, so why is it not visible in this pillar? Well, you can see in this pillar too. I separate your head now, I see, your Hari  how does it protect? If they come in front of me, it will be fine. When he could not handle the anger, he jumped from the throne with a stone and as soon as Prahladji said that yes, he is also in the pillar, he punched the pillar very loudly. At the same time, the loudest word came from the pillar, he had pounced to kill Prahladji by punching him, but after hearing that unusual ghastly word, he started panicking and seeing who was the one to say the word? In this he saw a wonderful creature emerging from the pillar. He started thinking - hey, this is neither a man nor a lion. Then who is this supernatural being in the form of Narasimha? He was so busy in this turmoil that Nrsimhabhagavan stood right in front of him. 


The Lord kept playing with him for a long time, at the end of the evening he made a very loud hysterical cry, which closed his eyes. At the same time, the Lord caught hold of him and took him to the door of the palace door, dropped it on his thighs and killed him by severing his stomach with his fingernails.


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